Craigslist Seattle is a great resource for those looking to relocate to Emerald City. The scenery in the area is majestic, and the lifestyle is healthy, making it an attractive destination for many. The unemployment rate in Seattle is currently hovering at or below 5%, making it a great place for a career change. There are many opportunities for software engineers and online advertising managers at companies like Amazon and Microsoft. The Redmond headquarters of Microsoft employs about 42,000 people and is continuing to grow. Craigslist Seattle is a great way to find employment opportunities in the area.
Seattle is a great place to start your search if you’re in the IT industry and looking for a new opportunity. With over 350 software applications and video game companies in the area, you’re sure to find a position that’s a good fit for your skills. And if you’re open to other industries, there are plenty of options in healthcare and manufacturing. For example, welders are always in demand in Seattle’s maritime industry. So if you’re ready for a change, look at the Craigslist Seattle jobs section and start applying today!